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Welcome to A Simple and Contented Life!

The virtual life coaching practice that helps moms with an online biz reduce the overwhelm, take back control and create more balance so they can CRUSH their goals, become the BEST version of themselves and thrive both at home AND as the boss of their business WITHOUT feeling like they have to choose between the two.

just in case we haven't met...
Hey there, I'm Sarah!

A wife, mom, stepmom, breast cancer survivor, self-published author and a fur mama to two French Bulldog pups called Arthur Pendoggen and Tiger-Lily.

A cross between Hermione Granger and Monica Geller, I’m an introvert and a HUGE bookworm. I love cocktails, hazelnut lattes, true crime and all things pretty stationery, especially notebooks and planners – hello Paperchase and Kikki-K!

I’m also the face behind A Simple and Contented Life and your new coach for home and online biz success.

I know that you have the power within you to create a great family life AND the online biz of your dreams WITHOUT feeling like you have to choose between the two and together, we can make it happen!

Tell me, do any of these sound familiar?

How to Balance Life and Work as a Mompreneur

If so, you've come to the right place...

You see, not that long ago this was me too.

I know EXACTLY what it’s like to feel torn between spending time with your kids and working on your business even though you know it’s the key to your family’s freedom.

I know how impossible it is to shake that fire burning inside your belly and how AMAZING that surge of adrenaline feels every time you think of a new idea to help you grow your business.

I also know what it’s like when you have so much to do at home too.

To think “If only there were a few more hours in the day, if I could just get more organised, if I could just create more balance“…I’d have the time and energy for my family, my business and myself.

What if I told you...

How to Create a Family Life you LOVE
My story...

In 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. With my youngest being just 5 years old, to say it was a massive wake-up call would be an understatement.

It made me realise that up until that point, I’d been living life on autopilot, spending far too much time on and worrying about things that didn’t really matter.

And so, I made a promise to myself that if I made it through, I would do what I could to make life LESS stressful and MORE enjoyable so that I had the time and energy for the things that DID matter. And that I would help others do the same.

And so, A Simple and Contented Life was born and for the last 5 years, I’ve been doing just that.

As well as pursuing my own journey of personal growth, I’ve been helping fellow moms find ways to reduce the overwhelm and take back control so they can become their BEST selves and thrive in EVERY area of their lives.

I’ve always dreamed of becoming a certified life coach and having coached and mentored others for the best part of the last 20 years, it seemed like the next best natural step for me and my business.

And so, last year, I took advantage of being at home during lockdown and became a certified Master Life Coach and Goal Success coach.

Now, I’m here to share with you everything I’ve learned so that you too can thrive both at home AND in your online biz WITHOUT feeling like you have to choose between the two.

My core values...

As a Libran, having balance in my life is key. Some say it doesn’t exist but I truly believe that it’s not something we find, it’s something we create. And it IS possible to create it.


Life is precious and it goes way too fast. Our babies are all grown up before we know it. Nothing matters more than spending quality time with the ones we love.


Life is all about the journey and part of that journey is growth. We all deserve to focus on our personal growth so that we can become the very BEST version of ourselves.


Happiness doesn’t happen by accident, it’s a choice and something we create. We owe it to ourselves to be really honest about what makes us happy and to do the things that lift us up and make us smile.


I believe that there is no one true definition for success. Whatever success looks like for you what matters most is that you celebrate every single one of your wins – big AND small!

A Simple and Contented Life is for you if...
It isn't for you if...

But I know that’s not you because if it was, you wouldn’t still be reading this, right?!

10 fun facts about me...
PLUS...I also LOVE to learn!

I’ll be honest, the Hermione Granger in me can’t resist an excuse to learn something new. And in a bid to serve my clients and Club Members as best I can, I’ve invested thousands of dollars in some of the best coaches, mentors and programs out there.

Work with me and you’ll get access to the most incredible up-to-date methods for thriving both at home AND in your online biz WITHOUT feeling like you have to choose between the two.

Here are just some of the mentors and courses I've invested in:

I know that you have the power within you to create a great family life AND the online biz of your dreams WITHOUT feeling like you have to choose between the two and together, we can make it happen!